CX Research & Updates


Why mystery shopping is more important than ever in a digital world

If you’re a bricks and mortar retailer, there’s no doubt the growth of online shopping has significantly disrupted your business. In 2015, less than 10% of Australians used a mobile device to make an online purchase.  We’re currently the world’s tenth largest e-commerce marketplace by revenue, and pundits tip this to grow to about A$35.2 […]

Why mystery shopping is more important than ever in a digital world Read More »


Restoring Trust with Mystery Shopping.

Avoid harsh penalties by employing bespoke Mystery Shopping solutions After a slew of banking scandals in 2018, many Australian finance companies want to ensure code compliance across branches — and for good reason. In the wake of the Hayne Royal Commission investigations, ASIC can now impose harsher penalties against white-collar violators, with punishments including: These

Restoring Trust with Mystery Shopping. Read More »


Secret Shoppers: Going Beyond Customer Satisfaction

Secret shoppers improve service and compliance ratings. It’s a problem as old as business itself — how can management ensure front line employees regularly deliver quality service? Of course, many banking organisations and beyond rely on customer surveys to gauge the performance of their in-store and call centre employees. These surveys prove useful when considering

Secret Shoppers: Going Beyond Customer Satisfaction Read More »


Why it’s so essential your research organisation is an AMSRS and AMSRO member.

If you’re considering using a CX agency to really understand how your customers experience your business every day, you shouldn’t trust just anyone. Market and social research data can give you genuine insights into how your store, products or services impact your customers, highlighting what you can do to improve, adjust and grow. It gives

Why it’s so essential your research organisation is an AMSRS and AMSRO member. Read More »


Face-to-face data collection: Bridging the gap between actual and claimed consumers

Data gathering has undergone a veritable revolution with the rise of accessible technologies. If you’ve been watching this space for any length of time, you’ll be aware that the popularity of online surveys has skyrocketed in recent years– they’re quick and relatively inexpensive to set up, and you can complete large scale research in next

Face-to-face data collection: Bridging the gap between actual and claimed consumers Read More »


CX in a post-Banking Royal Commission world.

In 2019 Commissioner Kenneth Hayne delivered his final report on the financial sector summarising Australia’s most exhaustive review of our corporations, the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. Following 68 days of evidence and over ten thousand public submissions, all of Justice Hayne’s 76 recommendations will be enacted by

CX in a post-Banking Royal Commission world. Read More »


Face-to-face vs online data: Why only F2F intercepts deliver genuinely actionable business insights.

Online surveys might be ubiquitous at the moment, but their convenience and affordability come with a hefty price in reliability. Why? Because you can never really be sure that the data you’re gathering is accurate. Why do online survey respondents sometimes falsify their results? People do strange things for all kinds of reasons. Some possibilities include: Each

Face-to-face vs online data: Why only F2F intercepts deliver genuinely actionable business insights. Read More »

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